A Lifetime of Wellness - 23

Regular veterinary visits should begin as soon
as you acquire your new dog. In the case of
puppies, they do get some immunity from their
mothers; however, this immunity begins to
decrease soon after they are weaned. Puppies
should be vaccinated against canine diseases
and checked periodically for worms and other
parasites. Your adult dog should also receive
regular vaccinations on a timetable determined
by your veterinarian. Dogs of all ages should have
an annual medical examination.
Be sure to bring your dog in for an annual
veterinary checkup. This will enable your
veterinarian to note any changes occurring
from year to year, catch any issues early and keep
your pet on a healthy track.
During your dog's routine examinations, your
veterinarian will listen to his chest for heart
and breath sounds; feel his abdomen; check
the condition of his coat; and inspect his eyes,
ears and mouth.
The routine exam also may include
examination of the feces to check for internal
parasites, in which case you will be asked to bring a
stool sample.
A thorough dental checkup by the
veterinarian also should be included in your dog's
regular exam.

A Lifetime of Wellness

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A Lifetime of Wellness

A Lifetime of Wellness - 1
A Lifetime of Wellness - 2
A Lifetime of Wellness - 3
A Lifetime of Wellness - 4
A Lifetime of Wellness - 5
A Lifetime of Wellness - 6
A Lifetime of Wellness - 7
A Lifetime of Wellness - 8
A Lifetime of Wellness - 9
A Lifetime of Wellness - 10
A Lifetime of Wellness - 11
A Lifetime of Wellness - 12
A Lifetime of Wellness - 13
A Lifetime of Wellness - 14
A Lifetime of Wellness - 15
A Lifetime of Wellness - 16
A Lifetime of Wellness - 17
A Lifetime of Wellness - 18
A Lifetime of Wellness - 19
A Lifetime of Wellness - 20
A Lifetime of Wellness - 21
A Lifetime of Wellness - 22
A Lifetime of Wellness - 23
A Lifetime of Wellness - 24
A Lifetime of Wellness - 25
A Lifetime of Wellness - 26
A Lifetime of Wellness - 27
A Lifetime of Wellness - 28
A Lifetime of Wellness - 29
A Lifetime of Wellness - 30
A Lifetime of Wellness - 31
A Lifetime of Wellness - 32
A Lifetime of Wellness - 33
A Lifetime of Wellness - 34
A Lifetime of Wellness - 35
A Lifetime of Wellness - 36