A Lifetime of Wellness - 25

One simple but very important way to care for
your new dog is to watch for changes in his
appearance or behavior that may indicate illness.
To do this, you need to become familiar with the
following signs of normal health. You should also
be familiar with your pet's usual behavior so you
can easily detect signs of illness and injury.
EYES should be clear and bright. The whites
of the eyes should have no red or yellow
discoloration. If there is any discoloration,
tearing, cloudiness, heavy discharge or other
abnormal conditions, take your dog to the
veterinarian immediately.
EARS should be clean and free of discharge and
odor. Check the ears at least once a week or more
often for dogs who are more prone to ear problems
(such as long-haired dogs or those with pendulous
ears, like Cocker Spaniels).
» Trim away excess hair that might prevent air
from getting into his ears. If the ear canal is red,
inflamed, hot, has a foul odor or is sensitive to
your touch, consult your veterinarian.
» Your veterinarian may recommend regular
ear cleanings. If so, ask your veterinarian to
recommend a cleansing solution and have him
or her show you how to clean your dog's ears.
The MOUTH should have pink, healthy
gums with no redness or swelling. Lips should
be free of sores or growths. Teeth should be
free of tartar buildup, and there should be
no bad breath.
The NOSE should be clean, with no discharge
or sores.
BODY AND HAIR COAT should be free of
tumors, lumps, fleas and ticks. Check by running
your hands over your dog's coat. A normal coat
is thick, shiny and silky - without greasiness,
dandruff or bare patches.
LEGS should be checked for swollen joints.
Inspect feet between the toes for excess hair
or objects lodged there. Check the condition
of his nails.
The ANUS should be free of swelling and
intestinal parasites. For instance, tapeworm
segments look like particles of rice. Scooting along
on the ground might be an attempt to relieve
swollen anal glands. If you notice any of these
conditions, see your veterinarian.

A Lifetime of Wellness

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A Lifetime of Wellness

A Lifetime of Wellness - 1
A Lifetime of Wellness - 2
A Lifetime of Wellness - 3
A Lifetime of Wellness - 4
A Lifetime of Wellness - 5
A Lifetime of Wellness - 6
A Lifetime of Wellness - 7
A Lifetime of Wellness - 8
A Lifetime of Wellness - 9
A Lifetime of Wellness - 10
A Lifetime of Wellness - 11
A Lifetime of Wellness - 12
A Lifetime of Wellness - 13
A Lifetime of Wellness - 14
A Lifetime of Wellness - 15
A Lifetime of Wellness - 16
A Lifetime of Wellness - 17
A Lifetime of Wellness - 18
A Lifetime of Wellness - 19
A Lifetime of Wellness - 20
A Lifetime of Wellness - 21
A Lifetime of Wellness - 22
A Lifetime of Wellness - 23
A Lifetime of Wellness - 24
A Lifetime of Wellness - 25
A Lifetime of Wellness - 26
A Lifetime of Wellness - 27
A Lifetime of Wellness - 28
A Lifetime of Wellness - 29
A Lifetime of Wellness - 30
A Lifetime of Wellness - 31
A Lifetime of Wellness - 32
A Lifetime of Wellness - 33
A Lifetime of Wellness - 34
A Lifetime of Wellness - 35
A Lifetime of Wellness - 36