A Lifetime of Wellness - 30

A few simple rules will help make training easier
and help your dog learn the rules of the house.
» Be firm and gentle, but do not punish.
» Be consistent; all family members should
have the dog follow the same rules.
» Have your dog earn attention and other
rewards by being calm and quiet.
» Follow through with each command, and
only give each command once.
» Never hit or strike your dog for disobeying.
» Always reward good behavior with plenty of
praise, patting or with a small kibble of food.
Dogs require daily exercise and regular
playtimes. Play is important contact between
you and your new pet. It helps develop his social
skills, provides exercise and strengthens the bond
between the two of you. Play also provides a
constructive release for your puppy's pent-up
energy. Interact with your dog by taking a walk in
the park, going for a jog, or playing catch.
Provide variety in toys and games to keep
things interesting.
Throughout his life, you will need to handle
your dog to groom him, trim his nails, check
for any problems and perhaps give medication.
These will all be easier if you get your puppy used
to being handled on a regular basis. When your
puppy is calm, gently run your hands over his feet
and body while talking softly to him. Look into his
ears and perhaps even open his mouth. Reward
him with praise, petting, and tiny food tidbits. If
you have adopted an older dog, be sure that you
spend quality time with him, petting him and
getting him used to being handled.
Puppies and young adult dogs
must be taught the basics.
» Be firm and gentle, but do not punish.
» Teach your new pet to respond to his name
and come when he is called. It is vital that
you are able to command your dog's
attention and summon him immediately
if he starts doing something he shouldn't.
» Use his name often and make " Come! " the
first spoken command your dog learns,
always followed by praise. In this way, he will
learn to associate positive experiences with
this command.
» Always supervise your dog when he
is outdoors.

A Lifetime of Wellness

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A Lifetime of Wellness

A Lifetime of Wellness - 1
A Lifetime of Wellness - 2
A Lifetime of Wellness - 3
A Lifetime of Wellness - 4
A Lifetime of Wellness - 5
A Lifetime of Wellness - 6
A Lifetime of Wellness - 7
A Lifetime of Wellness - 8
A Lifetime of Wellness - 9
A Lifetime of Wellness - 10
A Lifetime of Wellness - 11
A Lifetime of Wellness - 12
A Lifetime of Wellness - 13
A Lifetime of Wellness - 14
A Lifetime of Wellness - 15
A Lifetime of Wellness - 16
A Lifetime of Wellness - 17
A Lifetime of Wellness - 18
A Lifetime of Wellness - 19
A Lifetime of Wellness - 20
A Lifetime of Wellness - 21
A Lifetime of Wellness - 22
A Lifetime of Wellness - 23
A Lifetime of Wellness - 24
A Lifetime of Wellness - 25
A Lifetime of Wellness - 26
A Lifetime of Wellness - 27
A Lifetime of Wellness - 28
A Lifetime of Wellness - 29
A Lifetime of Wellness - 30
A Lifetime of Wellness - 31
A Lifetime of Wellness - 32
A Lifetime of Wellness - 33
A Lifetime of Wellness - 34
A Lifetime of Wellness - 35
A Lifetime of Wellness - 36