A Lifetime of Wellness - 32

Along with teaching your puppy or new dog his
name, and how to " come " when called, another
important lesson is housetraining. Your puppy or
new dog should be vaccinated before you begin
teaching him to use an outdoor area away from
home for eliminating. He also should be free of
parasites, since an infested dog may find it difficult
to control his bowel movements. Consistency is
key when it comes to housetraining.
You must be consistent with both food and water
and time of feeding. By feeding your dog at the
same time each day, you can train his digestive
system to become more predictable. He will need
to eliminate shortly after each meal (usually
within 20 to 30 minutes).
Your dog may also need to eliminate when he
wakes in the morning and after naps, after he
finishes playing, after he drinks water, and just
before bedtime. Use the same door each time you
take your dog outside so he will associate it with
going outside to eliminate. He may scratch or sniff
the door to alert you that he needs to go out.
Take your dog outside to the same spot each
time. When he has finished, bring him inside
immediately. Do not extend this period into
an outdoor play session, or your dog will
become confused about the purpose of
the visit.
Be sure to teach your dog immediately that his
crate is his safe place, where he sleeps and naps.
You can place a few safe, hard rubber or nylon
chew toys in the crate, but no food or water.
After he is housetrained, you can place a towel
or washable bedding on which to lie. Always give
your dog an opportunity to eliminate prior to
crating him.
Encourage him by using words such as " potty time "
or " hurry " so that he will associate these words
with relieving himself. Reward him with calm
praise; perhaps a piece of kibble, and say " good
dog " when he has finished.

A Lifetime of Wellness

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of A Lifetime of Wellness

A Lifetime of Wellness - 1
A Lifetime of Wellness - 2
A Lifetime of Wellness - 3
A Lifetime of Wellness - 4
A Lifetime of Wellness - 5
A Lifetime of Wellness - 6
A Lifetime of Wellness - 7
A Lifetime of Wellness - 8
A Lifetime of Wellness - 9
A Lifetime of Wellness - 10
A Lifetime of Wellness - 11
A Lifetime of Wellness - 12
A Lifetime of Wellness - 13
A Lifetime of Wellness - 14
A Lifetime of Wellness - 15
A Lifetime of Wellness - 16
A Lifetime of Wellness - 17
A Lifetime of Wellness - 18
A Lifetime of Wellness - 19
A Lifetime of Wellness - 20
A Lifetime of Wellness - 21
A Lifetime of Wellness - 22
A Lifetime of Wellness - 23
A Lifetime of Wellness - 24
A Lifetime of Wellness - 25
A Lifetime of Wellness - 26
A Lifetime of Wellness - 27
A Lifetime of Wellness - 28
A Lifetime of Wellness - 29
A Lifetime of Wellness - 30
A Lifetime of Wellness - 31
A Lifetime of Wellness - 32
A Lifetime of Wellness - 33
A Lifetime of Wellness - 34
A Lifetime of Wellness - 35
A Lifetime of Wellness - 36