Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 4

Most dogs have an advanced form
of HSA when it is discovered. Tumor
masses cause few signs other than
lethargy and pale mucous membranes
due to anemia from small bleeds.
Dogs often die before treatment
can begin. Standard of care treatment
involves surgical removal of
the tumor, depending on its location,
and/or chemotherapy. Intended to
prevent fatal blood loss, treatment
is seldom curative as tumor metastasis
often has occurred.
" Persistent infection or inflammation
caused by Bartonella may
increase the risk for HSA later in
life, " Dr. Breitschwerdt says. " We
suspect pathogenic bacteria, such
as Bartonella, play a role in different
cancers. "
The effect of Bartonella in dogs
and the potential link to hemangiosarcoma
is disconcerting to experts
like Dr. Breitschwerdt. " In our experience,
some breeds may not handle
Bartonella well, though bartonellosis
occurs in all breeds and in dogs
worldwide. Large-breed and mixedbreed
dogs are particularly affected, "
he says.
The good news is that dogs diagnosed
early with bartonellosis and
treated with antibiotics typically fully
recover. " Most dogs require more
than one antibiotic that is given over
six weeks, " says Dr. Breitschwerdt.
" As with Tumbleweed, treatment
can be complicated, and a dog can
be sick for months before being
diagnosed. "
Having studied Bartonella for 30
years, Dr. Breitschwerdt is excited
about the Cohen Foundation funding
that involves a team of experts.
The largest single grant devoted to
combating Bartonella and bartonellosis
is funded by the organization's
Cohen Lyme & Tickborne Disease
Initiative that began in 2015 to raise
awareness, advance research and
find cures for tickborne diseases.
Working with Dr. Breitschwerdt at
North Carolina State University on
this study is Dr. Ricardo G. Maggi,
research professor of internal medicine
in the Vector Borne Disease
Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Timothy
Haystead, professor of pharmacology
and cancer biology at Duke
University, and Dr. Monica Embers,
associate professor of immunology at
Tulane University, complete the team.
The research pipeline starts with the
development of potential Bartonella

Poodle Update - Summer 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Poodle Update - Summer 2022

Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - Cover
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 2
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 3
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 4
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 5
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 6
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 7
Poodle Update - Summer 2022 - 8