Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 11
Westminster Best in Show winner " Trumpet " is from a rare linebreeding by Bloodhound breeders Chris and Bryan Flessner. The handsome
male represents the fifth generation of his dam's side of the pedigree, and the fourth generation of his sire's side.
Amber), a No. 1 bitch in the 1990s. Notably, Tigger, the
Flessners' first homebred champion, is listed in the Guinness
World Record book for having the longest ears on a dog.
His right ear measured 13 ¾ inches long, and his left ear
was 13 ½ inches long.
Importantly, Tigger sired a litter that produced a bitch
named " Lola " (CH Hold The Mayo at the Magpie), who became
the catalyst linking Heather and the Flessners. " I showed
Lola for the first time at the ABC National Specialty in 2006,
and she won Grand Sweepstakes and the Top Twenty, " says
Heather " I campaigned Lola to No. 2 Bloodhound that year.
" I fell in love with her breed type and blonde face. Knowing
that Lola was a lot like Tigger, I reached out to Chris
and Bryan and got on their waiting list for a puppy. "
The Flessners allowed Heather to have the third-pick
bitch from a litter of 13 pups whelped in 2010. " Lexie " (GCH
Flessner's Pursiut Of Perfection At Skipton), the first
Bloodhound to include Heather's Skipton prefix in her
registered name, was from an outcross breeding, though
her maternal grandsire was Tigger.
As the partnership between the Flessners and Heather
began to evolve, it proved advantageous for both parties.
" Chris and Bryan are like my second mom and dad, " Heather
says. " We talk pedigrees, hips, heart, and skin problems.
They are very careful breeders who produce about one
litter every three years. "
" When we started with the breed 37 years ago, we wanted
a large dog for our farm and for our children who were
just a baby and toddler, " Chris says. " We went to a lot of
dog shows and found the Bloodhound folks to be really
friendly. The Bloodhounds were clunky, funny, sweet,
and laidback. They would lick the kids' faces. "
As they got hooked on the breed and the sport, Chris
and Bryan got involved in their local kennel clubs. They
developed a keen eye for recognizing crosses that would
give them a well-balanced Bloodhound with correct
breed type and structure.
" We're always looking for that one pup like Trumpet.
It takes a lot of luck and a lot of hope. You give it your
best guess and go with what you believe, " Chris says.
Meanwhile, there's no time for retirement for Trumpet
who has just come into his prime. Reiterating her philosophy,
Heather says, " Anything is possible, and if you go
into it with no expectations, you will be happy whatever
comes your way. For us, at the end of every day, Trumpet
is still our dog. "
Sound off! Congratulations Team Trumpet on your
Westminster Best in Show! n
Today's Breeder - Issue 107
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Today's Breeder - Issue 107
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - Cover
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 2
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - Contents
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 4
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 5
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 6
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 7
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 8
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 9
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 10
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 11
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 12
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 13
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 14
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 15
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 16
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 17
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 18
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 19
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 20
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 21
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 22
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 23
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 24
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 25
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 26
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 27
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 28
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 29
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 30
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 31
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 32
Today's Breeder - Issue 107 - 33